Saturday, November 7, 2009

Chronic Sinus Infection More Condition_symptoms Is This Acute Or Chronic Sinus Infection?

Is this acute or chronic sinus infection? - chronic sinus infection more condition_symptoms

I had a cold in November last year, it took two weeks, then after I had a sinus infection so bad that lasted until early last month of January .. Then it was .. Then I had a cold for 2 weeks in February .. Then it was .. and 16 July this year I had a sinus infection and I am still here and now 22nd O. .. Antibiotics seem to work .. ABIT
In fact, I am a man of 21, a student .. collasped of a lung disease in September last year .. during the same fear and suffering insominia .. insominia suffered during the sinus infection .. 1 before it was all very healthey .. sinica today, but in September last year, I was very weak


katrina said...

Wellll ... and this is a guess ... I think they are, and have been highlighted (insomnia or anxiety), which emphasizes the body and mind, ... and have been off and on antibiotics ... I suggest you go to a regular dose of Acidophilus ... (Grocery stores), if not already there. Many doctors recommend acidophilus in these days when prescribing antibiotics when they find that the benefits of the balance in accordance bacteria - antibiotics mess that balance ... such as stress, sugar, alcohol, etc.

I see many people with symptoms like yours reacurring .. and if people in a regular pattern of contracting the bacteria or yeasts in check again .. Symptoms disappear. Granted, I am a professional natural health and herbs to strengthen the immune system .. is also recommended, but the leaf acidophilus and oil (capsules) (both can be taken at the same time) will help your overall health, and has put his chest to relax.

Ps .. I hope that with insomnia and anxiety as well ... Wil Nutrition and Herbsl help in these areas.

katrina said...

Wellll ... and this is a guess ... I think they are, and have been highlighted (insomnia or anxiety), which emphasizes the body and mind, ... and have been off and on antibiotics ... I suggest you go to a regular dose of Acidophilus ... (Grocery stores), if not already there. Many doctors recommend acidophilus in these days when prescribing antibiotics when they find that the benefits of the balance in accordance bacteria - antibiotics mess that balance ... such as stress, sugar, alcohol, etc.

I see many people with symptoms like yours reacurring .. and if people in a regular pattern of contracting the bacteria or yeasts in check again .. Symptoms disappear. Granted, I am a professional natural health and herbs to strengthen the immune system .. is also recommended, but the leaf acidophilus and oil (capsules) (both can be taken at the same time) will help your overall health, and has put his chest to relax.

Ps .. I hope that with insomnia and anxiety as well ... Wil Nutrition and Herbsl help in these areas.

Michaela said...

I know nothing about this kind of health problems, but please, Doctor G:) x

Laura L said...

My husband uses this to avoid bronchitis, and I used to cure infections of the sinuses. There are many types of bacteria that live in the sinuses, which gets rid of all bad!. This is the only thing that really helped me, my --- Dr. told me about a sinus wash to kill the bacteria.
You must

distilled water
Liquid chlorophyll and colloidal silver in the health food store.
in a mixing glass 1 / 4 cup water with a pinch of salt and heat to body temperature.
5 drops each silver and chlorophyll and mix.
with a pipette size (as a drug for children) Drop 2 Full droppersfull used on one side of the nose while laying down.
Turn your head and emptied the other nostril. Make sure paper towels.
Silver kills bacteria, and there are hundreds of guys who can live in the sinuses, the fight against antibiotics can not get rid of them all.
To do this twice a day for one week, stirring the mixture every time.
Then once a week for doing maintenance.
Nothing in This get hurt, and healed me.
Do not take Claritin or antibiotics.
best wishes

Laura L said...

My husband uses this to avoid bronchitis, and I used to cure infections of the sinuses. There are many types of bacteria that live in the sinuses, which gets rid of all bad!. This is the only thing that really helped me, my --- Dr. told me about a sinus wash to kill the bacteria.
You must

distilled water
Liquid chlorophyll and colloidal silver in the health food store.
in a mixing glass 1 / 4 cup water with a pinch of salt and heat to body temperature.
5 drops each silver and chlorophyll and mix.
with a pipette size (as a drug for children) Drop 2 Full droppersfull used on one side of the nose while laying down.
Turn your head and emptied the other nostril. Make sure paper towels.
Silver kills bacteria, and there are hundreds of guys who can live in the sinuses, the fight against antibiotics can not get rid of them all.
To do this twice a day for one week, stirring the mixture every time.
Then once a week for doing maintenance.
Nothing in This get hurt, and healed me.
Do not take Claritin or antibiotics.
best wishes

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