Friday, January 29, 2010

Herpes Blood On Toilet Paper What Could Cause A Cut On The Labia Just Before My Priod Every Month?

What could cause a cut on the labia just before my priod every month? - herpes blood on toilet paper

As I am about 6 months of pregnancy, I noticed a few cuts on my lips ... Finally, left, but since then (8 years) have a caller in inner split lip was "about a week before my period each month. I saw in this court in the mirror and sees himself as a document of the depth of cut. Pica as a cure for pain and sometimes it burns when I pee ... but not all the time. I also understand only tiny bit of blood on toilet paper when it burns. The sex seems not to provoke or upset. It is during or just that My term ends. I was told twice, and twice this culture, the doctors, it is a venereal disease ... but I do not like is not what you want, I only know what is and what to do about it. I have never been with someone asleep but my husband had his crossing of the desert, but had not slept with anyone before getting married over the past 5 years. He shows no signs of an STD, and none of us has herpes type wounds. Any advice?


mayflowe... said...

Honest answer? What does the doctor, it sounds exactly like herpes. Herpes is often presented as "a piece of paper" and what happens in this time of the month due to hormonal changes.

The swab may have been negative, but I would consider a blood test for herpes if I were you.

The Wonderer said...

You can:

1) with a travel partner with hair
2) and herpes do not know
3) scratches in the night and I do not know.
4) Be underwear bad (not so common)
5) Have fragmentation jeans, shorts or riding horse

crave knowledge said...

Since shortly before the time is perhaps the skin is very sensitive and easily hurt. Try on what you pay now.

Big Ponce said...

Is it ever too dry
RUB in their vaginal secretions

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