Thursday, February 4, 2010

When Should The Emergency Light Come On On My York Heat Pump Emergency Light Continues To Come On In York Heat Pump?

Emergency Light continues to come on in York Heat Pump? - when should the emergency light come on on my york heat pump

We can restore the certificate and will be for 1 hours or 2 days, then run again. If the AC is not cooling.

It is a very old device. I had to services and service staff that you still have a problem with it, but yet to resolve this problem.


J H said...

Some Old York heat pumps should have a resistor in the thermostat installed so that the light burning all the time. The light will not hurt anything so long as not get electric heating band to work. If the bands are too hot, a short-circuit command and control structures will cause faulty defrost the outdoor heat strips come when the unit is in defrost cycle mode have. Bands are not in the light, the single "hacker" solution is to separate the "shared" son of the thermostat, the light can not write without them.

Mark L said...

I will again before the cold season is longer, and then I have in place to come before the hot season will get replaced.

Mark L said...

I will again before the cold season is longer, and then I have in place to come before the hot season will get replaced.

Anonymous said...

Used in heat pumps, a four-way valve for the operation of the heating of the cold change so that the hot gas are routed to the appropriate heat exchangers to demand.The four-way valve to be directed to change position, the hot gas heat exchanger is directly on ice to remove the foil winter.The four-way valve through a magnetic device that compressor pressure or vacuum is actuated to the valve driver steers slide.The connected to the suction line and sometimes the discharge well.If the four directions of the valve of the bleed holes in the cylinder head, only the suction line.In an electrical signal to be connected to the pilot valve, the suction pressure directly to the overthrow of the valve. Since a significant main valve outlet pressure inside, slides move.This is forced to move the valve to be desired, the compressor discharge directly left to heat exchangers. She said it was old, reversing valves are not liable for eternity, connect normally be able to heat by moisture or mold, or otherwise stuck. But if your powerprovided air and heat, do not try, dass in the thermostat off waiting a few seconds after warming up, and then on the way to change ac-test several times without results, then take it to check, I warn you if you can not resolve itself costs about $ 700. Make sure the solenoid valve has gone bad. Usually the units are attached to the upper right reveresing valve. You can easily check power solenoid valve is closed, the device after it found that the draft back on, when the solenoid valve click here for his property. This does not mean, because the solenoid valve of the valve is a good investment stuck.Check property, what could be done.

Samm said...

Sounds like you need refrigeration. Are not executed. You will end up ruining the whole unit.

Ask a quality technician.

FYI our heat pumps seem to leave some 10 years previously, and must be replaced.

Trane is the last 8 years and the compressor was frozen for 8 years. Thank God it was under warranty of 10 years and has been replaced. Price $ 2,000.00. (we have a heat pump 5 ton.

If the very old is not (sure, what we) as the very old, which could be a new one. I'll tell you now will. YIKES! In our 8 years was $ 5000.00. GOOD LUCK.

Thilina Guluwita said...

It is likely that the problem is with the thermostat.

ladyofth... said...


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